So, your accused of bribery and its not looking too good in court, what can one do? BBC News - F1 boss Ecclestone pays to end bribery trial Unbeliveable.
I think I was talking to Chris about this. He told me that if Bernie was found guilty, his criminal conviction would mean that he would have to give up any involvement in F1. He could never allow that to happen. €100m - peanuts.
Sounds like a good bit of business to me :Angelic:. So he allegedly *ahem* paid a guy $44m to make sure a deal goes his way, then another $100m to walk out of court. How much did he make out of the original deal.....I bet that with a personal wealth of $4.2bn he made many times the $144m he paid out. He's a shining example of a thoroughly nasty piece of work in my eyes. As morally bankrupt as they come.
Having just redone my online Bribery Act certification I find this outrageous. One law for the rich etc.
Copyright, please............. NB! This is the earlier image because it's still not finished, though.......will post it up when it is......
I think the guy is a total slimeball but I have to say that if I had been in his (teeny tiny ) shoes I would have done the same, even if I was innocent, to avoid the possibility of a prison sentence. I`m not defending the loathsome turd but who wouldn't do what he did in that position if they could ? I don't know anything about the German system but is this same type of offer available to all and if so is it variable according to their means in which case not just one law for the rich and another for the poor. What happens to the money ? Is it spent on nurses/teachers/transport etc in which case Bad Boy Bernie actually does a lot of good. Lastly, is it better to take his money and keep him out or have him inside costing money ? I`m not sure.
Hasn't Bernie instructed his breif to suggest that they spend the 100m on the construction of a new F1 track? Slimey little wrinkly fucker
Ecclestone is the worst kind of slimeball but he is a perfect fit for the society he lives in. What you gonna do?
So, to weasel out of a bribery charge, he effectively bribed the court? You've got to admire his style.
By all accounts it's all kosher under German law. I'll ask our resident German fella for the nitty gritty. Say what you like about Bernie but he looks after his own. He's a hard task master and expects blood from those who work for him but nobody complains at the end of the year, they're seen right, they're contented men.
Asked by Judge Peter Noll if he could raise the $100m, Mr Ecclestone replied "yes". When asked if the payment could be made within a week, his defence lawyer, Sven Thomas, said: "That's do-able." Isn't it for us all......