Elite: Dangerous

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bootsam, Dec 13, 2014.

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  1. if that's the game i think it is then i shall go looking, it's the only other game i got into. superb
  2. My mate has been absolutely hooked on the Beta, I loved the original but I just can't justify building a gaming rig now.
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  3. Remember it but never used to play it (More of a Lunar JetMan/JetPack person) - spectrum was good but I really liked the Amiga - most fave computer ever...

    Chuckie Egg was pretty good as well...
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  4. I used to play it on a bbc computer and loved it. When it was updated for the spectrum I was not so enthralled.
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  5. It's older than that. I used to play it on a BBC Model B in 1984.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. then it is the same game, cool,cool. avail for ps3?
  7. Its PC only Fin I think. It looks very interesting. Its released today. It was funded by Crowd thing and the original creator is involved. He also got an OBE as hes the same guy who did the raspberry Pi.

    I loved this game when I was young.
  8. aww bollox, i have done nothing but talk about this game for years but could never remember the name.
  9. Yeah, I remember the graphics being really good at the time, all them 3D wire objects. I never played it as it looked a bit too intellectual for me. I spent hours playing things like Jet Set Willy and Attack of the Mutant Camels! Those were the days, no shouting or verbally abusing other multiplayers. Just sat in my room by myself rattling my joystick! :D
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  10. Micro-switched Kempstons were the best for Daley Thompson's Decathlon and Hyper Sports :)
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  11. Played it last night. The scale of it is breathtaking. 400 billion star systems. Steep learning curve as its essentially a space simulator. I am going to get lost in this for some time...
  12. bye,bye.
  13. It doesnt need a kick ass PC, although its nice if you do. All the data is server side. If you were into the original Elite you will have kittens. The depth of this game is astounding. One thing it brought firmly into focus to me is the distances between worlds in a solar system. The universe really is full of nothing with the odd star thrown in for good measure. Fin you would love it. Works xmas do tonight so no play for me as I will be getting drunk and taking the piss out of the directors tonight instead.

    The Elite universe is so vast you're lucky if you bump into other players. Anyone remember the docking? Its still tricky. :)
  14. the interweb at home is so slow it prob wont work. never mind there's still doom. need to go looking for an alternative. boo.
  15. Does cable not exist in Oban?
  16. it does :smile:i am out in the sticks, near ballachoolish. about a mile from the exchange, between 9am and 10pm can barely stream music.
  17. Ah, I see. I'd read about rural broadband issues and now I can see why it should be like the phone line and installed everywhere. Thats unfair. Whats the SNP gonna do about it? :p

    Does the satellite broadband not offer anything?
  18. i think satellite is the future for me.
    as for the snp they better do jack all, i didnt move to the back and beyond to have these modern conveniences, next i will be talking all quantum physics.;):smile:
  19. Its better to stir stuff up in a thread then bail. Leave them to get on with it. You can almost guarantee who you'll hook...

    Can you not just get a really long ethernet cable and stretch it to the exchange?
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