Hi All, Many years ago an a firend of mine's colleage started an employee motorshow at his work as like most of us they're all petrol heads and most of us have a project on the go or a toy or two. So, after all these years I finally got put myself in the exhibitors as the bike was finally running. The event has grown year on year and I realised that a good few clubs and individuals with individual projects were invited along. Anyway it was a nice day out marred by poo weather, but at least the heavens held up. There was a small showing from the ducati owners club and I reckon next year I'll let you guys know as it would be a great opportunity to show off some of your bikes Anyhoo, heres some photos of the event and some of the bikes. A colleage used to race this: He got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes so that put paid to that. In frustration he bought four rd500's and built this: Harris had the bodywork knocking about for years and so let him have it to clear. Other Pics: Apparently the only Yellow Panigale to come out of the factory due to a clerical goof on their part - he ordered it and was offered yellow as a colour option! Apparently the owner of this little gem has been asked by the ducati factory museum not to restore this bike.
This made it for me.... there was a guy there with an 888SP5, one of the last batch made. It has the works 926 engine and the handmade termignoni works collectors. The bikes were arranged in date order so mine was arked next to it, I was chuffed to bits :smile: When my bike grows up it wants to be an 888! And I finally got to sit on it when we packed up... totally blown away and yes I want one!
I thought I recognised the floor in the first pics (how sad am I) and then the final set of picks gave it away. F##k why cant i work at Mclaren. I'd even be the receptionist :tongue:
A brilliant day out! Sev, you should've said it was you on the 900 so we could've had a chat! A couple of things, the Ducati lot were organised by Paul Glover, one of the members, but not the club, and the yellow Pani was red and Richard had it painted yellow, I think someone was pulling your leg
Sure, theres a big showing from other clubs so I think a Ducati Forum showing would be very welcome - and the bikes all park at the front of the main entrance so get pride of place under cover Is it Yours Johnboy?
Awesome stuff! - man with big moustache and red t-shirt told me that - I was too busy getting sticky knickers over Guy's 888!
I used to work there. Did that. It's no more glamorous at Mclaren than it is anywhere else. A shit job, just better paid. Still better than being a laminator though:wink: