Emptied my box

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Emptied my in box a bit sorry someone just tried to pm me
  2. Nope not me, but Ive also emptied my box
  3. I did mine a few days ago.
  4. I never get PM :-/
  5. If I empty mine I won't know where to find anything, what a dilemma.
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  6. is it just my dirty mind?
  7. It's your dirty mind
  8. Just PMT
  9. Nope
  10. Just realised what you mean. I thought it was full of cheesy wotsits.
  11. If it was full of wotzits if have eaten them.
    My box is not full of cheese !
  12. Not full of cheese - not like El T's joke page then ?
  13. Bless him
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  14. Yes.......bless him :tongue:
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  15. @ El T - I never said they weren't funny... Just a bit cheesy at times :)
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  16. Not as grim as 40 mins of " Yo Mamma" jokes :(
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