So many times have I heard a story's of how cheap engiens are. How people bought complete engines from 1098's, 999s's with injectors, coils and so on in place for around a grand mark plus delivery. WTF do they buy them from, where is that land where engines grow on trees? I cannot find even one engine that would be "complete" as above for that mark. Frankly best I found was a 999 engine with all electrical bits removed bar alternator for grand. Storry tellers please guide me in right direction.
Mr R. you lucky sod. The only bargain I manage to get is 2 for 1 Tesco vanilla Ica cream I like chocolate more .....
O reckon its about having cash on the hip, always looking and making contacts with race teams, dealers, breakers etc
Sorry, that's not a 'pun', that's 'word association'-clear off and get with the programme, or get into the right thread!!
I was on a ferry from Oban to Castle Bay that blew it's turbocharger as it pulled away from the terminal. We had to transfer to a different ferry and, after a long delay, arrived in Castle Bay over 5 hrs behind schedule.