just noticed when I was cleaning the bike a bit of the sealant bead has broken off. I noticed it was flapping around last time I cleaned it but now it's fallen off... This should t make any difference to the seal should it?
http://i1110.photobucket.com/albums...1-7CF3-4BF2-94CF-69C01BC89077_zpst6qiw6vi.jpg http://s1110.photobucket.com/user/elbowsg450x/media/FEFC03D1-7CF3-4BF2-94CF-69C01BC89077_zpst6qiw6vi.jpg.html][/URL]
No probs. It's excessive sealant that came out during assembly. Nothing to worry about. With a bit of wd40 you could wipe the rest off.