Engine warning light when accelerating hard!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Korppi, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. In my MTS the yellow engine warning symbol lights up when accelerating hard. It comes on at the top end of the rev range for a while and goes off like nothing has happened. Since no error codes etc. has not been detected, I have not been very alarmed by this... And the fact that it happens during maybe 5-10% of the hard accelerations suggests that it is some kind of a "bug" only?

    Anyway, got to ask, has anyone else been experiencing this? :eek:
  2. Its the "Remember you are on a Hippo not a sportsbike" light Korppi, thats all.......nothing to worry about...Lol....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. No. When you say no error codes presumably you mean no error codes on the display, there may well be some error codes recorded by the OBD so I would take it along to my Ducati dealership and have them plug in and take a look.
  4. Nope, never had that one. The red circle light comes on far too often though :biggrin:
  5. Korrpi

    I'm not familiar with your bike, but is this Yellow light to which you refer not the 'Rev limiter' light? In which case it's perfectly normal.
  6. Hi! No, it is not the rev limiter light... that shines bright red and in different location.

    The engine light I am talking about is the yellow with engine symbol on it. And "johnv" I totally agree with you, but my bike was checked at Salzburg during my last Alpine tour by local Ducati dealer and no errors was found then. The light had been flashing in hard accelerations before that check also... So that is why I am pretty confident it is nothing serious.
    Could it have something to do with the exhaust valve eliminator (plug in to get rid of the error code) which I had installed together with MIVV decat? Maybe I check the connections to that one and report the results.

    nogaromill999, you are hilarious mate... Could very well be like that, better to take it easy with these damn hippos! :biggrin:
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Could always be a dodgy connection in the clocks...not like that's a rarity now!
  8. Yep, keeping in mind that the thing is Italian... not a bad guess! :upyeah:
  9. Its just telling you that the back wheel is catching up with the front and the engine is being squeezed:biggrin:
  10. Did you ever figure out this problem? I just bought a 2013 and I am experiencing the exact same problem. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.
  11. Is it traction control? I put knobblies on mine and lights came on a lot cos of traction control kicking in!
  12. Great thanks for pointing me in that direction. I will keep an eye on that and see if that is the issue. Would the traction control not have a different light though?
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