Ahhh... 30 years of engineering experience condensed into one easy to follow chart... Or one slightly more complicated chart... The basic message remains the same - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it !"
The basic tenet that I heard when working in a mechanical engineering office was, does it move? YES -Grease it NO - Paint it John
[FONT=&]Machine Shop Guidelines Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until Friday 3pm and then bring it in to me. The challenge of a deadline is refreshing.[/FONT] [FONT=&] [/FONT][FONT=&]If you give me more than one job to do, don't tell me which is the priority. I am psychic.[/FONT] [FONT=&] [/FONT][FONT=&]If you have special instructions for a job, don't write them down. In fact, save them until the job is almost done. No use confusing me with useful information.[/FONT] [FONT=&] [/FONT][FONT=&]If it’s a rush job, run in and interrupt me every 10 minutes to inquire how long I am going to be. That helps..[/FONT]