England Footballer "too Tired" To Play

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Hodgson said Sterling, 19, complained about fatigue on the eve of the game.

    "He said, 'I'm feeling tired, I'd rather sit this one out'," Hodgson told BBC Radio 5 live after the 1-0 win.

    How awful it must be, to have to ask to sit-out playing for your country through tiredness. If I were the Liverpool Manager, I might be checking out whether Mr Sterling has developed some debilitating illness or perhaps an addiction to late night clubbing
  2. Like to see you run around at full tilt for 10 mins let alone 90. He's 19. He is still growing and still a teenager. Burn out is a serious issue and could effect his future development. This is when serious injuries occur. It has happened plenty of times before. Mr Sterling is a great future asset for England and to Liverpool. Your comments show just how little you understand about football. Footballers have short careers, sure they earn loads but thats another discussion. If through tiredness he made a tired challenge and did his cruciate that could be his career over. Sorry WI but your post and thread is ill informed, knee jerk reactionary and frankly devoid of any understanding of the issue.
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  3. Apologies if I upset you - I've been a Rochdale AFC supporter for 45 years and we don't get to see much football - it's generally a game of kicking - they kick us, and we kick them.
    However, if you wish to denigrate my opinion that's fine, but as you can see, there are always two opinions (at the very least) when it comes to football

    Former England full-back Danny Mills
    "If I was Raheem Sterling, I'd want to play every international game I could at this stage. I don't really believe a player his age will have gone to the manager and told him he's tired. Has there been influence from elsewhere? The club manager, for example? Who knows."
    #3 wroughtironron, Oct 13, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
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  4. relax @wroughtironron , youve not upset me im playing downvote post tennis. I was waiting for your response before i removed it. which i did. but then you mentioned rochdale fc so i did another. :p
    #4 bootsam, Oct 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2014
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. It does seem a bit odd as at his age, fatigue should be managed with proper pastoral care by club and country. Good points made about burnout and we have ruined promising players by taking growing footballers and getting them injured.
  6. If Danny Mills had been decent he may have had a chance. Alas he wasnt.
  7. As I said, Rochdale AFC and Football don't hang well together, hence my ignorance
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Maybe he was just feeling a bit run-down for no real reason. It happens. I have days when I feel strangely lack-lustre, others when I'm full of energy.

    I can't see why such a hoo-hah is being made about this. He's not necessarily a match-winner or a must-have in your side and Llalana is perfectly capable. In any case he came on the the second half. So what.
    England were total Y-fronts. I'm not sure that having Sterling would have made much difference - there were plenty of other people on the pitch supposedly capable of taking care of a 10-man 3rd rate side.
  9. IMHO, the whole story revolves around the lack of passion that these prima donnas have when they pull on an England shirt, or in this case don't want to.
    There was a time when representing your country was the pinnacle of your career, sadly though it doesn't seem to be any more.
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  10. Maybe he's been playing extra time elsewhere , you know helping out an absent colleague like his peers do now and then.
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  11. I know this is often repeated, but I don't think it's true. They did a lot of running around. There was plenty of intent. Just a complete inability to score and not much ability to create telling chances. But jostling around in the middle of a pack of defenders with no wide play wasn't going to do them any favours. Maybe Hodgson's diamond just isn't a very good tactical choice.
  12. Who gives a shit about the National side? No-one. So why should footballers.
  13. I can't agree, these are sportsmen who are supposedly at the top of their game, and yet time and time again they deliver sod all.
    How is it with the exactly the same populus we can perform, and perform well in other disciplines except in our "national game" where we are at best second rate?
    And lets not get into that complete and utter knob of a manager, actually thinking about it he'd make a better coach.... by taking out his teeth and putting in seats, for all the use he is.
    The passion has to come from the top and be injected into the side, and if they can't play with some pride bin them.
    I'd bet that a group of players drawn from lower leagues would play their hearts out
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. the problem within soccer is the same as the UK in general then?
  15. That is true and can be seen in the National sides of Scotland, Wales and NI. Scotland, were rubbish but the players give it their all.

    It doesnt help that the England team have a defensive minded and cautious and insipid manager. Put a shouty, prideful and inspiring manager and maybe, just maybe. But hooty mc owl face is just a numptie.
  16. I could almost forgive them if I didn't have the feeling that their all, wasn't 50- 75% of their combined talent / capabilities.
    As said I totally agree about having a passionate manager, but that ain't going to happen any time soon.
  17. Tell that to a rugby player who puts his body on the line for his national team, nothing other than 100%.
    Puffballing arseholes get on my tits.
    #17 Drinky, Oct 13, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. Its the premiership thats to blame. Once you go down the leagues the footie gets more 'honest'. On the plus side QOTS are 3rd. :cool:
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