749 Eobd 34.0 Fault Code.

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by Daikinman, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. Hi,
    The bike cut out on my way to work the other day and failed to restart. just turned over with no sign of firing.
    After a couple of hours it suddenly started again fine, then stopped again when it warmed up.
    Recovered home and the same issue appeared, starts cold but refuses when hot.

    Fault code as above 34.0 which states a signal panel sensor??? what the hell is this?

    Any help would be greatly appriciated.

  2. Have you washed the bike recently? Check the coil and CPS connectors for moisture or corrosion. CPS connector is a large one, next to the water pump on the LH bottom side of the engine.
  3. No not been washed or anything, been on holiday for a couple of weeks, rode the first day to work fine, day 2 failed! not worked since.
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