BBC News - Vote 2014 Election News and Results Its not just the UK that is going all jingoistic, with far right type elements breaking Europe up all over the place, nationalists abound. But will it actually make any difference, given that MEPs have no power anyway?! Imagine if this happened at a national parliament level, policy led by 'us first, them maybe' mentality
It's ironic that people opposed to the expansion of a European Parliament should be elected to it. Still it's going to be mildly amusing to see if it self destructs. Andy
Fight from within rather than without? Its also a far bigger gravy train than being a home nation MP Hell I may have a go myself
It would be wrong to categorise all Eurosceptic votes as 'far right', that certainly isn't the case in Greece and neither do I think UKIP is far right (with the exception of a few fruitcakes selected my the media and pushed into the limelight, all parties have their fruitcakes). As Farage said last night it won't make any difference within the EU but it will make a difference in our own parliament. The dissatisfaction of the EU is widespread and growing but the EU elite, and some of our own, seem willing to ignore that fact, which will ultimately harden the anti EU vote. I voted Yes in 1975 to a Common Market, and would do so again, what I can't support is a federal super state. EMU and the creation of the Euro was doomed to failure without the creation of that federal super state. This was known at the time but ignored. The EU has to find its reverse gear.
Well we signed the Lisbon Treaty, is there any going back? I wonder if Farage voted for it. Ireland could see it all coming, tried voting 'no' a few times, but were fighting a losing battle.
Although I'm pro "Common Market" I'm not so keen on the EU in its current form as indeed, it is trying to be a superstate. In this respect, the anti-EU vote across countries could be a good thing. There may be sufficient pressure for downsizing the EU and putting it back in its box. Barroso is on his bike for a start, and that's no bad thing. But I hope that Farrage and his mates will do something a little more constructive in the Parliament than barrack other members and witter on about their illegitimacy. With a constructive attitude for change, we could all have the best of both worlds but sadly, I imagine he will just revert to his infantile self. There will be a certain irony if a large caucus of EMPs don't want to do anything useful at all but just bring the house down. Is that really what the electorate in the UK, France, Denmark et al wants? Maybe it is.
This thread seems to have drifted away into a fantasy world in which far-right Eurosceptics have won a majority in the European Parliament (shock horror). Back in the real world, however, they have about 100 seats out of 751, are disunited, and will have little influence on real issues.
UKIP has suddenly just dropped in my estimation at the sight of neil Hamilton as deputy chairman.....ffs lying thieving cheating bastid!
Which is exactly what Nigel Farage said last night. The real question is how will it influence politics in the UK ?
These days, how anyone can say that the Cons, Labour or the LibDems are any good for the UK....? .....All are a bunch of t*ssers who in their own sweet way have done their best to b*gger up the country......... The Tories don't give a sh*t about the plebs.........exactly the same in the 90s and earlier...... Labour are supposed to be for the 'workers'.........whereas they attract their votes from the shirkers, while wasting revenue hand over fist..... The LibDems are a bunch of screwballs that have no coherent plans and an even less coherent person at the helm....... UKIP have given them all a well deserved mighty kick up the a*se, despite none of UKIP are an MP.......... Unbelievably, I have yesterday and today heard w*nkers from the Tories, Labour and LibDems defending their p*ss poor results and saying that UKIP won the EU vote and Local Election wins because of immigration......... basically, the Tories, Labour and the LibDems still don't 'get it'........... I would like to see them all blown into oblivion.
Whenever there is a recession, the right will always prosper. Its all cyclical. A vote for UKIP is as moronic as it gets. It means you have decided its everyone else's fault and not your own. That you were never part of it all anyway and can you just get rid of the immigrant and everything will be okay. After all its all their own fault for wanting a better life, but can they just find it somewhere else. Meanwhile I will just continue to dig the hole I am in and hope it all goes away by the time I've climbed back out again. Even when I am down to my last desperate brain cell, and that day may be soon upon me, I'd hope that I can still spot the charade for what it is. It is no coincidence that the BNP lost votes to UKIP's gain. Vote UKIP = racists, bigots. For people who gave up rational thought or who are too poorly educated to understand their own stupidity. Cunts couldn't even spell egalitarian.
The modern world is an entirely unnatural fabrication that causes more stress and problems than it solves. I had my ex-wife telling me that it's not normal for my son to see a pig, feed it, nurture it, name it, then eat it. I tried to explain that humans have been raising livestock for food since time immemorial and it's only in the last 50 years that things have started to change but she didn't get it. It's illegal to hunt animals when you're hungry.... It's illegal to live where ever you can find a dry place to sleep... You have to pay for your drinking water and you'll risk getting locked up in a prison for fighting someone that tries to harm you or your family. Completely bonkers and against billions of years of evolution but we all subscribe to it and chase material gain. The system is biased to it's very core to support the rich and to oppress the poor. All social systems are like this as soon as you establish ownership of land and resources. Pretty far off topic, but my core point is this; We're all f****d. It doesn't matter who is in charge or what decisions they make; the system is always broken.
Farage's UKIP is no different to any of the other political parties. They understand that there is a core of voters that are reactionary and thus they have created a 'manifesto' to gain votes. To gain power you look for a gap in the market, it is consumerism by another name sell the plebs what they want. Personally I believe he is an odious little man running an odious party that appear to be selling a promise of an outdated racist ideology in the pursuit of power.