I have and fuck me, did it hurt. From 4:30 AM until around 10:00 PM I was in agony, unbearable and excruciating pain! Passed the 3mm little bugger after being in hospital, drinking gallons of water and drips, morphine and suppositories. If you ever wanted to punish somebody, give them a fucking kidney stone. The closet thing I equate it to would be child birth and having a gun shot to the abdomen. Neither of which I have had the pleasure. I can tell you though once it had moved around to the front, I had the feeling of being kicked in the balls, the duldrums for approximately 8 hours, yes imagine that feeling when you are doubled up on the floor after somebody whacks you in the balls for 8 hours. It was so painful I was very nearly retching. Anyway, I am now drinking lots of water and will have to look at my diet because let me tell you, you do not want to experience what I have, no warning, just wake up at 4:30 AM and the pain change from oh my kidney feels a little weird to oh my fucking god Im going to die in around 5 minutes!!
I woke up at the monster weekender in agony . Had no idea what was up but the pain was hell. Had morphine at hospital when I got home and discharged . Off and on over the last year pain Then 3 months ago I woke up about 3am and the pain!! I thought I was having a heart attack as it was up high in the middle and I had pains in my shoulder. Hospitalised .. This happened a few times and was rushed in again. My heart was fine. In the end I after about 5 hospital trips A student Dr said has she been checked for Gaul stones?? After a scan there was my problem ! Gaul stones !! They hurt like hell !! Make you vomit and the pain when having an attack is worse then childbirth imop!! Get well soon can they shatter them? I have got to have my Gaul bladder out shortly yuk
I was taken into hospital one night in 2008 with a kidney stone.The pain was something else,I was sick in the ambulance.Had to give a urine sample there,that was fun.Urine came out pink.Had painkillers shoved up me and injected into me. I was released 24hrs later. I later had some weird syptoms which I reported at a follow up at the hospital and to my GP.loads of tests and nothing found. I have since found out that the trauma of the kidney stone had probably been the initial trigger for my Fibromyalgia.Wish I had known then what to prepare myself for.
I was the same as hellcat, thinking heart attack etc ambulance morphine etc and about to be released from hospital when they discovered my liver wasn't ok. anyhow gall stones and pancreatitis = hospital stay fluids pain relief then released and home......several ambulance trips followed then the gall bladder was surgically removed and told that's all sorted. three months later pain like you cant imagine followed by ambulance and hospital with pancreatitis,jaundice,blocked bile duct etc anyhow sitting in bed looking like a thin hommer simpson and was told two stones had escaped during my surgery and I required more surgery,so nine days later and two stone in weight lost and two tiny grains of grit removed and all ok. but.....now more pain and lots of tramadol and co codamol ( drool ) later and im told there may be more stones...agh. I had kidney stones when I was 18 and I honestly can say this was worse, life changing and my doc tells me pancreatitis is a killer and I had a one in ten chance and I had it twice.
Had severe pancreatitis attack in June; unable to breathe, plus all symptoms of heart attack, except 4 ECGs said otherwise, paramedic and ambulance crew, "Its not a heart attack, but don't know what it is", so rushed to hospital on morphine/oxygen. Kept in for 9 days until inflammation markers had dropped to acceptable level. Normal amylase in blood count is 40 to 150, on admission mine was 2573. Nevertheless, I was very, very lucky and had already passed the guilty gall stones that triggered the attack by the time they gave me the first of several scans, so no surgery and no after effects.
Kidney stones twice in my 46 year life. Once at 18 and again in late 20s. I was told its a diet thing, avoid diary thing, however I drink very little milk, no butter or cream! More likely genetic propensity then lifestyle choices. Both attacks were agony for hours. Second attack was on flight to USA, nearly had 747 land at Knock.Renal shock caused kidneys to do some horrible things. Upon landing in the USA I was arrested by US Marshalls, despite assurances by on board doctor that it was stones. This added to a great day! Yes very like childbirth via you penis, best described as a day of balls being kicked every fee seconds.
Bloody hell!!! They told me once my Gall bladders gone that's the end of the pain and stones !!! Eeeek!!! You poor chap ! It hurts like hell I seriously thought heart attack I sat in bed waiting to see if it would ease up but it didn't . Took codeine phos nope still hurt like hell centre of chest and through to back of shoulder and down arm. After an hour of it I called 111 .. This was the worse attack I'd had. I'd had several before but had no idea what it was I kept being sick. They used to stick me on a drip give me morphine then send me home. It's literally was a student doctor that said after about 5 attacks we had better scan you. As soon as the ultrasound went on me you could see the bastard things! I'm now on a strict diet Yoghurt mainly to shrink my liver . Years of punishing my liver now being ultra careful as I'd rather have babies no pain relief about ten one after the other then stones ! Idrinkbeer get well soon my poor mums had problems after her Gall bladder was removed she was in for keyhole it went wrong and she now has a big zip like scar up her. Did it take you long to get over having Gall bladder out? I did hear if your female its worse as bit more cluttered I there I'm dreading it Got to diet until 28th Sept lost 12 pound . Want to loose a load more
Yep. I've had 3 Worst pains of my life. If you catch it and give it the hospital they do tests on it and tell you what to stop eating or drinking to help prevent them. I feel for anyone who suffers from them.
hellcat, took a while to recover from the initial surgery but no probs from that..however iv a friend and it took almost a year for everything to settle down. just home from work and on to co codamol 30/500s and maybe tramadol later,the pain in the middle of my back is now fairly severe.i agree with the kidney stone re feeling like kicked in the balls for two days ( which wasn't nice ) but the gall stones and pancreatitis mix I honestly think that without pain relief I would have died.makes you really really appreciate the nhs,instead of invading countries pump the money into our health service. borgo sound like you were lucky to lol.its only when you start to look up pancreatitis you go "feck" when they tell you in hospital you just think oh ok . my gp,s uncle died of it by the way.
Yup, whilst in New York last year in the middle of Hurricane Sandy and on the morning of my 50th birthday. The pain was unbelievable and I never want to go through that again. I drink a minimum of 3 litres of water a day to to try and avoid them. Horrible, absolutely horrible.