Every cloud 'n' all

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by mileypau, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Track Day at Cadwell......pushed off line at Mansfield by someone coming up the inside. Low sided. Was on my shoulder arse and elbow (literally) before I even realised i was off. Bike slid cross track and onto grass....me I had presence of mind to keep lid up off the tarmac and minor scuffage was all that ensued.

    Marshall was great...said they all usually highside there, much more damage.

    Coupla points.....nice as Rizoma rearsets are, the solid peg just snapped off. Latest version I note flip up. That stopped any more fun as I had no spare handy.
    999 fairings are bloody strong...not a crack just chamfered. See pic.
    Should've taken front mirror assembly off as it bore the brunt.....but top fairing untouched. Happy i left the mirror on. Maybe i should've used it and seen the over take coming ??
    Rear indicator popped off.....now realise they're meant to do that. Should've gone hunting for it on track. Anyhow £14 not desperate.
    Flip up levers work :)

    And the silver lining...well in dropping the body work in for a respray, buffing back a minor scuff on the tail unit has revealed it to be carbon......so does that mean I've got a 999r mono unit?
    Anyway going to strip it back and lacquer for the moment whilst I decide on sticker/paint schemes to go on the fresh fairing.


    PS will post pics when all back together
    PPS a lap or two pre- 'off' CRDA0237_02 Afternoon (Copy).jpg



    CRDA0237_02 Afternoon (Copy).jpg
  2. Glad you're ok and all worked out as well as it could. Suppose you're lucky that nothing dug in causing the bike to flip!
  3. Yes.....I was a very shouty man.....track days not racing !! No need for banzai overtakes, I'll move over.........
    Marshalls offered to have the fella black flagged....no point, damage done.

    Back on Thursday for the Bike Magazine 'reclaim the tracks' thingy. Supposed to be no trailers and tyre warmers etc.
    Booked a session with instructor to ease my mojo back in.
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  4. I was all for the Bike reclaim days, but after my off at Brands I'm not feeling the love anymore. I found there to be too many 'novice' riders in the fast group. Okay at Snett, or Cadwell. Not good at Brands Indy. The reclaim days certainly have their place and they're great, I just think personally, I'll be sticking with the standard MSV days
  5. but he might have gone on to stuff somebody else up the inside too! you are right thou' no need for it on trackdays...
  6. What happened at Brands? ...sorry don't cover all the forum posts !! Looks like it will be wet tomorrow in any case. Might take my wife's ER6 Kwak as I only picked up repaired fairing today.
  7. I over estimated the talent of the rider in front of me. They got spooked at the apex of Paddock Hill, closed the throttle and sat up right into my path. I sat up grabbed a handfull, just missed him, ploughed an furrow in the deep gravel, front tucked at 40mph odd


    looks like this now

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  8. Poo.

    well I survived Cadwell. repainted panels returned last night, fitted at 5:00 am before ride to Cadwell and a great day. a few drops of rain in one session, but starting to regain some confidence.

    Plenty of pretty dukes out and about.....

    Hi to anyone who was there

    IMG_0975_10.00 - 11.00 (Copy).jpg

    Sticker kit waiting to go on after a damn good clean.........wet ride to the track y'see. Oh and my hugger doesn't fit over Michelin Pilot 3s

    IMG_0975_10.00 - 11.00 (Copy).jpg
  9. Great to see bike ok and that the incident didn't prevent you getting "back on the horse that threw you".
  10. great recovery mp - a good example to us all :)
  11. Tail piece looks great like that! :upyeah:

  12. Need to change the front number boards now :smile:
  13. s'funny you say that....in doing the repairs I have picked up not one but two headlight fairings. I also have left hand side fairing complete. get the rhs panels and I've a complete fairing.

    gives me options to play around with getting some alternative stickers kits and have a track set. will pop the plain red nose cone on and see what it looks like....
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