Hi all, Could an excess quantity of 300-400ml of engine oil (compared to the recommended oil quantity as per manual) create a problem in a short period of time to oil seals, gaskets or even valves/ cylinder internals (normal riding including some instant good throttle openings to 11000rpm)? Or extra oil escapes through breather till balanceis reached and thats that. I know its not recommended and manual says so however is there some kind of evidence that excess oil creates problem in a short period of time? Appreciate opinions please. I have oil leak but not yet investigated with the dealer- could be the oil filter issue. Or not.. Photos attached. Engine oil is well above min/max marks on side window and dealer filled it up to avoid engine oil running low during break in period. Thanks Phil
I would imagine the oil breather would be the logical path here, I had exactly the same on my MTS1200 weeping round the cylinder studs ended up having both heads and cams replaced under warranty due to pourous heads etc