Hi. This is a long shot, I met a Multi rider and forum member at West Bay on Sunday (full termi fitted, sounded great!), if its you, could you confirm that this: *UK PREMIER DEALER* PEAK PERFORMANCE M/CS REAR OF UNIT 6B, GRACE ROAD CENTRAL, MARSH BARTON EXETER, ENGLAND, EX2 8QA 01392 255 000 [email protected] is the guy you advised was a wheel at setting up suspension? Many thanks in advance Rivets
I'm not the guy you met but that's Steve@peak performance and he's good.set my 1098s up before almeria and knows his stuff.
Just had my suspension set up by John Sanderson at Alpha Suspension, Leeds. Great job and thoroughly recommended, at £ 25.00 its the bargain of the century. ALPHA SUSPENSION SET-UP - About me