899 Exhaust Heatshield

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by zx6ghost, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. My Exhaust heatshield is starting to come off. I assume the resin that bonds it to the actual shield has maybe got to hot and has burned off

    shall i contact the dealer under warranty ? risk losing the bike for a few days while they sort it
    will it be covered?
    or just fix my self?
  2. Do you mean the one under the seat? isn't that connected with a couple of bolts in the middle recess? Either way you'll probably find if it's just some fixings that the dealer will send you the parts for free to do yourself to save taking it in.
  3. yes thats the one
    looks like the glue has worn off

    seems sticky in some places
  4. Take it off - it looks a lot better without it..........
  5. Mines in as soon as the new one shows to have it replaced under warranty.
  6. just got back from my trip to scotland, noticed mines started to get a bit loose
    but bolts are all secure
    its not going anywhere, but pretty sure wasnt like that before
    had planned to mention it when next at the dealers
  7. same problem, had mine replaced twice and its keep on happnenig. heat melting washes i think. cant be bothered doing it anymore. DEMO pani in my dealer showrtoom had same issue, so looks like all of them do it
  8. had a closer look at this last night, there appear to be 2 things going on
    1. there is a glue or adhesive lining between the foil and the plastic outer that is melting/moving, although dont think this is causing the movement, and foil is still held in place.
    2. the rubber spacer that fits around the bolt has gone all hard and is crumbling, as a result the bolt isnt holding the guard tight anymore.
    need to call my dealer today re some other jazz so will see if i can blag some of these rubber spacers, as does look like will just keep happening, alternatively ill get them to sort it themselves
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