Exhaust Soot Removal

Discussion in 'Detailing and cleaning' started by gremlyng, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Just wondering if anyone has a definate solution for removing burnt on soot off the frame? Carb cleaner seems to be moving it but I'm concerned it's going to eat the paint too! I haven't tried autoglym or T-cut yet but that was going to be my next port of call.

    You can see the carbon/ soot built up on the rear set hangers below (the middle section had cracked and whilst it was blowing blew hot fumes out onto the frame)
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  2. Where my middle section had cracked the exhaust gasses had left a black soot on the rear set mounting lugs so I tried I number of things to remove it and in the end the only thing that worked for me was Meguires polish, I guess t-cut or Autoglym red label would do the same job.

    My end can outlets also get pretty shitted up over time but that comes off in seconds with Autosol, this soot was kinda burnt on to the frame in places, different animal to remove.
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