998 Exhaust Valve Sizes

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by twd46, Oct 26, 2022.

  1. Im having a difficult time finding some used exhaust valves for my 998. I know they are 33mm and the same valves are in the 999 and i assume the s4rs Monster. Do you know if any other bikes have these valves? Thanks.
  2. twd46, if it helps, the exhaust valve part number (21110311A) tracks back to the following models (quoted from the online parts fiches)
    998/998S/Bayliss/Bostrom/Matrix/FE all MY02, 03 and 04 models
    999/999S MY03, 04, 05 and 06 and AMA rep MY07
    S4R MY07-08
    S4RS MY06, 07 and 08
    996R/996R2 MY01
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