After much thought I've decided to get myself a multistrada. Just in the process of buying it and should be all done in a couple of weeks. Went for a nice 2016 1200s. Looking forward to collecting her and getting out and about hopefully meeting a few of you. Planning on doing a bit of touring too so will keep an eye out for any trips away. Cheers
Welcome to the forum. First year with my Multistrada, already off to Ardennes, Dolimites, Ireland and Brittany/Normandy before the summer is over. Get planning and enjoy!
I'll be getting out to the usual Helmsley and Whitby spots as soon as she's delivered. I'll also be in the look out for a termi can or full system at some point too and also a quickshifter.
Was in Hanoi in 2017...lovely place especially the old town. Took a trip out to halon bay too...stunning.
Thanks for all the welcome message so far. Ironically the buyer for my other bike just turned up and he also has a 2016 strada so we had a good chat about that too. Really looking forward to the pick up day now....I'll definately be out and about on her as soon as I can. Hope to meet some of you at some point too.