its as hard a s nails but copper nails... bike racing is hard as cobalt nails... As it s a car, it looks easy as you don't see what you can see on a bike... but to do it, it's pritty pushed to the limit as well... of course bikes will alway be factor x 3 and for the romans among us... if they crash we expect them just to walk away... in bikes, we're always glad they do...or that tey can race the next race...
^^^^^^ all of the above may/may not be true but just watching the BBC coverage they have a far better commentary team, TV coverage schedule than Moto GP that's for sure. Jordan Coulthard and Humphries V Parrish and Cock, no contest.
Engineering is impressive as fehuck ........ but the label 'driver' should result in legal action under trade descriptions act - simply ballast that carries out orders. Even they complain that it is "impossible to be competitive, let alone win, without the right car" .... that's no longer racing in my book. When they bleat that "It was hard to begin with. Daddy remortgaged his house for me to go racing", and you found out it costs £1m/year for 5 years, then 'Daddy' must've already had a pretty impressive house to remortgage!!!
C'mon, braking from 200+ mph while twiddling knobs on the steering wheel and checking their on board data?! Love to see mere mortals do it mostly boring tho
I like all forms of motorsports, especially F1, but I feel do a bit disappointed after most races. Not todays thou
F1 Technology is awesome, but the way the racing and the drivers are promoted is a circus. They must be as fit as a fit thing though; those cars were pulling 6g under braking at Abi Dhabi!!
I remember the Hamster, I think it was, trying to do two laps in an F1 and failing miserably, despite spending all his time driving exotica. Don't go fast enough, brakes don't work. Go fast enough, spin off the whole time. It clearly isn't like driving a Ford Fiesta. I have massive respect for people who can scoot around at speeds that would fry your brain, and the Gs they get in corners seem to be truly massive. It's like anything, from doing Cols in the TdF to watching people run marathons from the comfort of your armchair: "Pah! I could do that!". No you couldn't - not without years of training and sacrifice. Would you really want to be exiting corners at those speeds a couple of centimetres from a very solid wall? Like all motorsports racers, they have a screw loose somewhere, or they wouldn't be any good.
F1 is a spectator sport. 1: Its the slowest motorsport on earth...Where else in motorsport is a 17+ second lead, or 20 second gap so regular that it is a no event, simply part of the sport? Several seconds between 1st and 2nd is considered close. 2: They race against the clock, not each other. 3: The order of cars going round the track bares little or nothing to do with whose winning due to above and; 4: The pit stop is the most dramatic part of the race, and apart from crashes, is usually the make or break for a race. 5: All show and no go..Its a poseurs sport...all flash logos, 'glamour', labels, fashion, chunky wristwatches and no fucking racing. 6: Too much technology, too much bullshit...Yes the drivers are incredibly skillfull...but they dont really drive, they are like automatons...Like jet aircraft, F! cars are too much for the humble squashy human brain, so they have computers..lots of them...then theres the relentless talk of development for this that and the other thing..the minutae of the carbon filler cap, the valve in the filler, how it was changed from titanium due to the new reguations and they incurred a penatly because it was the wrong type of titanium...just utter bollox..anything to distract you from the fact that theres nothing going on, on track... 7: There is so little action going on track, the commentators have to talk about anything other than the race....usually the technology which is abundant, but it can be gossip, weather, the local attractions..they have lots of time to talk.... Like ive posted previously....a couple of weeks ago i even heard Coulthard say how that because the skies of Malayasia were cloudy, that this would affect the balance and feel of the cars...even i know thats a load of boswelox. Real F1 was when blokes with knackers the size of coconuts drove high speed gocarts, exchanged paint, dirty looks and dirty girlfriends by the end of each race, and staggered out of the car looking like theyd just returned from a little jaunt over Dresden in a Lancaster...and whose breath smelt of whiskey, Gauloises and Bridgette Bardot. No, i dont want the danger or death, no one wants that..but there has to be an element of risk..there has to be real driving going on..these modern cars will lose a race if theres a flat spot on the you must joking..race over.. if it isnt, then it gives the commentators something to talk about for 72 laps...when people talk about the excitement of F1 they have little to say about the RACING...they talk about everything other than the most obvious thing..NOTHING fucking happening on track..a bit of tyre smoke and its on the world news. Its incredibly skillfull, amazingly technological, incredibly developmental, breathtakingly, soporifically boring.
Good rant! Don't agree with all of it (cos they are exchanging paint these days - or at least carbon-fibre winglets) but amusing nonetheless!
Personally a great fan of Le Mans 24 hour. Trip with a group of old mates. Camping on a site that resembles Bartertown Meeting up at the same bar each year at midnight on race night and trying to go through until sunrise! Great racing, especially when a privateer gives the factory teams a fright. One of those "must go to" events if you are a petrol head Bud ps Picture shows the Cambridge based Rollcentre Racing Judd being refuelled in the early hours. It managed 4th overall one year against the factory Audis and Peugeots. The team celebrated with a barrel of Greene King IPA, in their motorhome.