I am married 22 years and know my hubby longer, but I have never seen him without a beard Anyway I like beards if they are trimmed, wild ones are awful.
humm, depends on too many factors but like a goatee on the right face (male) & if this is leading to your next post about Fanuary 3/10
I usually grow something over the Xmas period. Last year it was a soul patch and this year I've grown a goatee. I only do it to piss SWMBO off :smile:
Had facial hair since I was able.Its here to stay after 30 odd years,plus it kinda hides the mess thats behind it!
Mrs P absolutely hates beards or any more than about 2 days stubble. I grew a beard a couple of weeks ago and liked the change but it looked bloody stupid. It was ginger as anything and looked totally at odds with my hair. Was worth a go but it'll be the first and last proper beard I grow. Some guys suit it, most don't though I reckon. Alternating a clean shave with a bit of stubble will do me fine.
I have a full, trimmed beard. I've mostly had it for about 5 years now and it's staying for the foreseeable future.
I don't shave, once a week I get the clippers out and hack it back to about 1 mm. I feckin hate shaving
I have had a full beard and moustache for 20 odd years. I once shaved it off whilst we were in Norway, walked out of the bathroom, Nicky took one look and said " you're growing that back, you look like Mr Potato Head", so it's here to stay! Did have to trim it down to a goatee this year when I had the op on my throat, it didn't look too bad, but I hate shaving so grew it back. Just get the clippers out and go all round my face and head on number 1, job done!