Fairing Repairs

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Clapton, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. hi all,

    Can anyone recommend someone that is good at fairing repairs. Basically over time I'm trying to get my 748 that I purchased last year back to its best over time. The main fairing has a crack at the join half way down and the underneath where the 2 holes for the clips that join the fairing together are cracked. I'm looking for someone that's very good rather than a quick fix in the Essex/London area of possible?

    Thanks all

  2. If area around the belly fixing fasteners is badly cracked then it would be better to get secondhand replacements anyway as it's risky trusting a repair where the fixings are.
  3. How old is it? If it is an early model that uses red plastic as the panel moulding they are very hard to repair as they become brittle with age and often literally fall to pieces in time. I have had a top fairing from an older model completely shatter due to degradation of the plastic.

    If it's has white plastic as the base moulding then you should be fine. Do you intend to repaint the whole panel? or do you just want it repaired?

    I have repaired dozens of 748 - 9*6 panels over the years and it's usually an easy enough job providing you are really intending to repaint the panel as there is often a lot of rubbing down and bevelling of the panel edge to get a good strong repair. I often use old panels to let in patches where cracks are large or pieces have worn away

    I do my own repairs as I have a plastic welding gun etc. but a decent SMART repair centre should be able to do the job or someone who specialises in motorcycle paint.
  4. As you know from previous posts red, have also repaired many panels for many years - shame there isn't a trumpet blowing icon available. It doesn't matter whether it's an old type or a new type of 748 fairing you cannot get the same strength back if the cracks are large with bits missing right adjacent to the belly fixings. These two fixings are subjected to higher loads than any of the other fairing fixings and need to be as secure as possible. There should really have been a third Dzus between the other two.
  5. I double skin mine where there is room, possibly the O\P can post up some photos and then get a consensus of opinion.

    There is also a mouldable plastic that softens in hot water etc. and can be used to back up panels as you can form it to shape. I have used this a few times on edge cracks in areas known to be prone to cracking and it has worked fine by doubling the thickness at the back of the panel, it needs to be spread over an area somewhat bigger than the crack to stop flex etc.. I cannot remember the name of it but I still have a supply somewhere and it's quite useful at times. I purchased it from eBay originally and it's used in model making.

    I agree about the bottom part of the stock 748 type panels but I have successfully repaired these areas before, no doubt it depends on how bad it really is ultimately.
  6. Ill be honest, they are solid red and my bikes a 1997. I don't ride it hard and only take it out in the dry ;)

    On that basis I'd rather not get new/replacement panels, id like to try and keep it original if possible so would like to pursue a repair but also like the idea of reinforcing it for the future.
  7. From my experience I would not attempt it, it will become more embrittled with age. I bought a red top fairing quite some years ago from someone on eBay, I repaired the damage and it was fine until it fell off the bench it was on and smashed into about 8 pieces, it was surprising how brittle it had become.

    It is the reason why Ducati changed to a different type of plastic. The last red plastic piece I repaired with no problem was a 748SP seat unit and that is still holding good, but fairings seem to be thinner and vibration alone could see it crack again in the future.

    It might be better to try and get some decent fairings and paint them and use the older style graphics to make it look original. Prices even for damaged fairing parts have gone up over the years though and are now quite high, gone are the days it seems when you could get them for £0.99 on eBay.
  8. Anyone fancy repairing my track ones then, all you capable people? Beer and bacon sarnies payment terms...
  9. PM me and I should be able to do them for the cost of materials if they are repairable.
  10. Oh its like that is it..... Do I get help if I make a donation ;)
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  11. The belly fixings really need to be secure.A poor repair on mine failed while travelling quite slowly.This resulted in the two halves of fairing flapping up.One mid section survived the other didnt,snapping into several bits.AND it made me jump!
  12. Clapton,

    Search these threads i don't think I linked them properly.

    Ricambi Weiss – Fairing Panels. Any Good?
    What are our fairings 900ss-sl 92-98 made from ?

    It's your choice if you want to repair it.

    Cheers Gaz
  13. The repairs on mine are done with Araldite and fine aluminium expanded mesh..........GRP panels, later versions.
  14. Thanks Gaz

    Arquebus where did you get yours done?

  15. The same happened to my 749 at speed it was like riding a spatchcocked chicken , but got away with only a small crack .....I'm looking to get mine repaired and painted then probably sell the affected fairing in try and source/ buy a new one ....if any of you can point me in the right direction that would be cool ..I'm in Shropshire , and it's a 2004 ... image.jpg
  16. Courtesy of Chez Moi...............
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