False Neutrals

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by DonaldDuc, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. What is up with all the false neutrals on my new MS1200T? I get it 3 or 4 times a ride. Never experienced this before with any of my previous bikes.
    Do they go away once the bike is run in?
    Are all ducatis like this?
  2. I had that with my 848 first run out, box full of neutrals. Only had a couple since and I've done 3k on it now. Not sure whether it just needed running in a little or I altered my changing slightly.
  3. Hi Chainsaw
    I think its a common problem along with many others that you will no doubt experience ! Mine has the most frequent false neutral between 4th and 5th , Its got a lot better though , rarely does it now but I think thats more me getting used to it , It happens with a lazy foot , My previous bike was a Yamaha FZ1N which had a very short gearchange movement , just a touch of the toe and it changed , Multis need a more positive movement of the foot , the gearchange throw seems to be quite long on these bikes , prob the same on other Ducatis
  4. Honestly, dont get wound about it. It takes a while, but in my case the multy is now one of the smoothest gear boxes i have ever known. Mine started to get better after the first oil change. All the sharp bits of metal from the engine come out with the oil and it gets better from there. 8000 on mine and its like silk.
  5. Try adjusting the gear lever downwards towards the ground. This solved this issue for me on an 1198. More positive gear changes now.
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  6. I think the issue is due to the length of the gear lever. I've had my Multi for over 2yrs now & experienced it regulary. Adjusting the lever down did improve but Dave says you have to be positive when changing. I got a new pair of boots earlier this year, slightly larger "adventure" style which has eally made a difference.
  7. + 1 on adjusting the lever, I took tools out and kept riding and adjusting untill I got it spot on
  8. I think i might have to try adjusting the lever and getting new boots ! but the fact remains .... Ive never had too adjust gear levers and buy different boots on the last 3 Fazer and FZ1 s Yams I have owned , Or any bike ive owned !
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  9. Coming from years on a Honda with a very positive and rarely false gearbox onto my first ever Ducati I find I need to much more assertive when changing gear, or risk a "false" neutral? Still getting used to it though and it's rarely an issue. Mine's six months old with 1800 miles.
  10. Count yourselves lucky, I struggle to find any neutral on my 900ss :smile:.
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  11. Is adjusting the lever downwards to improve the upshift?
    I thought I was getting false neutrals more on downshifts and I am a bit worried about grounding gear lever as it is the part most likely to touch down.
    Could be just a running in issue as I have had none on the last two rides (I really want to believe this).
    #11 DonaldDuc, Sep 12, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2012
  12. Shifting from third to second on final approach towards a bend, final reduction of speed adjusted on throttle, then roll on power gently through the apex and voila drive disappears, very disconcerting and quite repeatable. Actually last week rolled off power when riding in a straight line in second in town and it happened again. So I am going to investigate more then go into my dealer to discuss. May try adjusting the gear change lever a bit too.
  13. AndyX11

    Some of the earlier build bikes suffered from this problem if I remember correctly. Ducati know about the fault and it involves replacing the selector drum etc. - should be FOC I think.

    Do a search on here and the US site and you'll find similar tales.:upyeah:

    ........Ah, looks like you've found it on another thread already.
    #13 Wrecked, Apr 5, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2013
  14. Hi Andy,

    Dredging this up as I have exactly the same issue, only had the bike a week so I was wondering If it was me!
    Did you get anywhere with this?
  15. Agreed
  16. and again...
  17. Well guys, It was a gearbox fault! And Ducati know of it too! certain Multistradas and Diavels were fitted with a Gearbox Selector drum which wasn't correctly machined, outcome slipping out of second gear. Nothing to do with positive gear changes or the settring of the gear lever. My engine has been out the offending selector drum changed and now no problems at all. If your interested the guys that helped me find this are at the Ducati.ms site there are even pictures available showing the offending selector drum fault on my thread there MTS1200 Sport 2012 model, 2nd Gear problem - Ducati.ms - The Ultimate Ducati Forum I recommend getting it done before your warranty expires as it is an expensive fix otherwise!

  18. Thanks for the info, I have a little warranty left so I wanted to make sure it wasn't me, I just got back from a run out, basically abusing second gear to see if I could find a circumstance that caused it to jump out of gear, but was fine, I'll keep an eye on it. Cheers

  19. Mine is booked in next Friday for this very issue. Nearly mounted roundabout last week after it dropped out of 2nd on approach. Dealer seems to know all about the issue, and was very helpful.
  20. Obviously not SMC then as they claim never to have heard of this problem - mines going in there this Friday....
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