Farage: Are the Scots Rascist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 18, 2013.

  1. when does banter turn into abuse? the scots make a lot out of hating the english...my mates scottish (ex) girlfriend even wore a germany t shirt when england lost to them in the world cup matches...and then wondered why he was pissed off..particularly as her home city was carpet bombed in the war and scots, welsh, english and northern irish soldiers were dying in fox holes against the common enemy...

  2. Farage calling other people "Fascist scum" and "racists" was absolutely hilarious. You couldn't make it up!!
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  3. my dads a scot, he always says scottish people support 2 teams, Scotland and anyone playing England :D
    much in the same way the banter between the french and english can be a bit sharp i find this fact funny

    its bit rich of Farage to lambast ppl for racism,
    he is quite careful with his tone, but i get the feeling that many of the UKIP candidates would have been BNP candidates 20 yrs ago
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  4. arnt banter and racism the same thing............its just in the eye of the beholder.
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  5. I now know why scots men are dour...
    ...have you seen the women up there :eek:

    love him or hate him farage is a refreshing change in his approach to presentation lol
    #5 Phill, May 18, 2013
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
  6. Pretty hypocritical of Farage to be complaining that the Scots are guilty of some sort of nationalistic bigotry towards him as an Englishman rather than engaging in proper political debate when his party's popularity is largely based on encouraging exactly such attitudes amongst the English?

    I see you beat me to it on that point Pete... :wink:

    Anyway. He is a cock. :rolleyes:
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