Fast Bikes Full Of Dubious Geezers This Month.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Drinky, May 21, 2014.

  1. Check out this months Fast Bikes mag and see what I mean.
  2. The triumph wins.
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  3. The triumph always wins...
  4. dare we say, a triumph, for the Triumph......
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  5. Who cares
  6. Jesus does
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  7. I thought Jesus only wanted him for a Sunbeam.:(
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  8. Sunbeams were a shit car :(
  9. cool old bikes though..:cool:
  10. So wrong ...... [​IMG]
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  11. Sunbeam S8.jpg
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  12. Sunbeam bikes where made or at least had a big factory literally just down the road from me in Wolverhampton.
  13. [​IMG]

    shame on you ET
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  14. my mates bro has the tiger, will try and get a pic.
  15. So what exactly was wrong with the magazine?
  16. Nothing I have it on subscription. I didn't realise that you were a journo thats all.
  17. Needs a picture Drinky!
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