1200 Pikes Peak Fault On Display ------

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Ian-SA, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. I have lost the total odometer reading. it now flashes ------ see pic
    This co coincided with a fault I had with the socket for the starter solenoid
    Ive done the usual simple stuff like disconnect battery etc
    Any ideas how i might fix...
    or do I take to Ducati service

  2. Have you checked your DDA to make sure that the connector hasn't been knocked loose
  3. Check the rear connector on the ABS sensor.... clean it.... it may be that it cannot see the wheel rotating... I think the speed/distance is from the rear one, as it shows when I'm oiling the chain.
  4. I had this happen after a battery short - one Ducati dealer reset it for nothing (brought them beer), one quoted me for a replacement dash...they are now an MV dealer lol.
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