Febreze spray?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Anyone use it to keep your helmet fresh? Phnarr phnarr :smile:
  2. Got some special Foam for my "Helmet"
  3. My God! And I thought I was the only one thinking about this! It did sting a bit, and the missus complained about the taste, but yeah! Works great!
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  4. why was your Missus spraying it in her mouth ? :biggrin:
  5. nowt wrong with a bit of soap and water imho

    problem with aerosols , as you get older, and your eyesight worse, you can end up using the incorrect product for the job (aint that true Wantz :eek:)
  6. My helmet doesn't smell
    I guess it's the use of hair products and moisturisers that keeps mine smelling nice
    Got lip gloss all over the chin bit from taking it off and putting it on :-D
    #7 749si, Jul 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2013
  8. Ive got some DOC helmet cleaner. Does the job okay enough :smile:
  10. I do like a bit of lip gloss on my helmet
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  11. It's mine and I will wash it as fast as I like :upyeah:
  12. ahh would that be the anti bacterial febreeze
    hmm full helmet or just around the rim !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. so who swapped the deoderant for hair spray? :tongue:
  14. Be thankful she didn't swap it for Ralgex :tongue:
  15. All this talk of lid deodorising, but what about the gusset of leather strides? Nasty place in this weather and in need of their own hygiene product range - any suggestions?
  16. Just wear your chaps?
  17. Err... Make sure you wash your baws properly?... I really don't want to know about the gusset of fellow riders gear... I guess some of them are pretty rotten though?
  18. Washed proper every week, whether they need it or not, thank you very much!
  19. I had to look that up and this is what is says on Wiki 'Ralgex Spray is a spray designed to sooth painful muscles and joints in humans when applied to the skin. There is also Ralgex cream available which is used for the same purpose. It is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. It has also been known to be used as a punishment for masturbation in the BDSM world' :eek: El T are you trying to tell us something?
  20. Yes. It stings like fuk when you have it sprayed on a muscle strain so there's no way it'd be sprayed anywhere near the ET Crown Jewels. :smile:
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