yup it's that time of year again,my bird gets the TV remote.........it's the bloody eurovision song shite thingy.... too all else,i feel your pain...............
Thank god I'm not having to sit through utter rubbish that's the joy of being the only adult in the house
The Ukrainian girl had my vote - she of the white sheath dress perched on a rock like a goat. The song was one of the most dire. Can't help feeling she was the only reason it did so well. BTW - is the UK now going to get over using has-beens for Eurovision? Humperdinck and Bonnie Tyler were big decades ago, before most of the current viewers were born. In a competition where many of the contestants are hugely attractive (much more important than the songs - you can still watch Eurovision with the sound down) UK insists on using wrinklies. Or will it be Sir Ciff again next year (so that we can come last)?
I am still gobsmacked with the Romanian guy dressed as dracula doing his pseudo castrato opera - I mean wtf?! Showed my 13 year old boy it and he literally was speechless lol
i think the other has beens are too busy playing olympic events, and save the earth charridy gigs mate, and the current 'stars' are too busy being successful..Hence DeadWood representing Ireland... Bleedin right old crock of shit Eurovision...its not even funny..just stupid and more than a little embarrassing. Wouldnt it be a good idea if each nation properly reflected its musical heritage (if it has one)...Flamenco, Latin, Polkas, Opera, Folk..whatever, but refresh it for the modern day...I would prefer to hear an Italian opera singer sing the other contestants through the wall and at least have one sincere performance....i think its the lack of sincerity that makes a mockery of everything... Apologies if it sounds like i care...i dont, ive just got some time to kill this afternoon...
I used to have a Eurovision ritual. I'd get out a pen and paper and light up a spliff. Then I'd score all the contestants out of 20, without giving anyone the same vote. This was difficult (and got more difficult as the night wore on). I'd decide that Latvia only merited 4 out of 20, and Israel 3 and a half, and then have to give Moldova 3 and three quarters, because they were more shite than Lativia but not quite as shite as Israel. I used to end up with 80% of the contestants scoring less than 10 out of 20. It was complicated. But that is all in the past. Nowadays, the songs are all crap (of course) but sort of normally crap, instead of dire dire crap. The fun has gone out of it somewhat. But many of the female singers (and indeed the jury representatives) are definitely in the top percentiles of good-looking. So it is still a laugh, but just not as surreal as it was.