Feckin British Telecom

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. I know there was a thread hereabouts concerning BT, unfortunately I cant seem to find it. Anyone point me in the right direction? Would like to see what happened as I am experiencing problems with residential and business and could quite happily stick a fluffy yellow bird up the arris of the chairman. Incompetent, doesn't even come close.
  2. Ta, that's the one, 5 weeks without any system for business and residential after a home move with a catalogue of cancelled orders, delays and the joys of speaking to the 'Jeopardy' team in India and finally they were due to sort it today and surprise surprise we don't control the line presently installed (on the day they are due to do it they realise). That's potentially business I have lost, over 18 hours on the phone, numerous emails, formal complaints, raised blood pressure and the costs involved using my mobile etc etc etc
  3. El T is the man you want to speak to about it. He might still have the contact he made in a fairly high place!

  4. Edited for you.
  5. El T is the man you want to speak to about it. He might still have the enemy he fingered in a fairly high place

  6. I didn't finger anyone :frown:
  7. You genuinely could not make this shit up. Today I emailed the board of directors of BT, the CEO and the chair of the board as well as the head of customer relations with a full précis of what has occurred the fact that I have had numerous orders cancelled, spent nearly 18 hours on the phone to them attempting resolution, have had numerous appointments cancelled, not received any calls when I have been promised faithfully etc etc and been without phone, broadband etc for nearly 6 weeks.
    So I suddenly get the heads of 'Executive Level Complaints ' for business and residential phoning me then emailing confirming all will be well that they will compensate me for the trouble and loss of business etc etc and that I will definitely have everything done and dusted within the next 24 hours. Great thinks I thank feck. Then at 20.12 hrs I receive a call from the jeopardy team in sunny India informing me that my orders have been cancelled as, and I quote 'We do not know where you live Mr Rogers' What The Feck are these idiots on? can I have some please? its got to be better than the feckin reality of having to deal with this level of incompetence. FECKTARDS.AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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