Flying squad officer shoots himself in the leg by accident at police station in Putney - London - News - London Evening Standard
flying squad….or ant squad, SOCA or NCA as they are now called….lowest of the low in weapons handling and tactical options….i agree pleb.
We ought to be thankful they aren't equipped with Sten guns these good as they were, they had a nasty habit of going off on their own and emptying the whole magazine........
The Glock has no safety, and has instead a small metal piece on the trigger, that must be depressed at the same time as the trigger proper to discharge the weapon. The trigger pressure is quite low, maybe 2-3lb although I don't know the exact number. So it's pretty easy to accidentally let one go. That does call in to question why he had the weapon made ready, i.e. had one in the chamber in the first place in a building. But that's not my call, and if he had a weapon I'm sure he had the training to use it. Accidents happen. The British Army has just recently switched from using the Sig Sauer 226 and 229 and the general issue pistol to the Glock 9mm. (Prior to that they had the Browning 9mm.) The Sig had a number of incidents of people accidentally shooting each other. Including an CSM shooting one of his lads. The Sig had 2 trigger pressures in place of a safety catch. If the hammer was forwards, it took 9lbs trigger pressure to draw it back and then discharge the weapon. If the hammer was back (so immediately after cocking, prior to de-cock, or after firing the first round) the trigger required only 2lbs pressure to operate, thereby making the first discharge a deliberate action but only if the hammer was forward. If the hammer was back it was all to easy to let one go. However, to be in the situation where a round will be discharged a magazine containing rounds must be fitted, the working parts pulled rearwards and then released and then the trigger pulled. So there are plenty of reasons why you shouldn't be shooting yourself. But it happens relatively frequently, including in the military.
After the Hi-Power, I prefer revolvers.......less to go wrong........unfortunately the maximum number of rounds is usually 7.........however, I do think this is a useful tool...... The Backpack Cannon: Smith & Wesson's new monster revolver, 'a great gun for a back-up or hunting' | Mail Online If you can hit the target, I suspect it will do the job satisfactorily...
What an ugly mofo,has anyone noticed a typical DM error in this article re Dirty Harry,they can't even get that right.Doh.Still preferred my old 586 and even better my old Python in ultimate S/S.Thanks Tony Blair.
A gun is just another tool. Useful when used correctly and dangerous when mishandled. A hammer, a screw driver, a spanner and a drill are all as dangerous if incorrectly used.
most of the nd's are block…………………..we recently changed from sig to glock………the sig was pure silk…….glock…….wel stand by for more nds.