As the title says, this is the day that worldwide various individuals,groups,medical research teams,and lots of volunteers,are trying to help those of us who have this chronic illness. Perhaps you know someone in your family,or work,who has this condition.Perhaps you have wondered why they never join in with activitiies,or are often cancelling outings at the last minute!Yet when you see them they appear perfectly normal.If they have Fibromyalgia,they are doing the best that they can with no control at all over their physical or mental wellbeing. My own life has been turned upside down by this particular illness,and without the support of my wife,children,and one or two people who know me I would have gone under. Very difficult to put into words,but I try to understand that lots of us have 'problems' and best not to jump to hasty conclusions when their behaviour is sometimes not 'normal'. Anyway,on a brighter note,I am off to Yoga
I think I probably know just a bit how it affects you, Mervyn...... ......It appears I am getting auto-immune problems probably from all the medication I now have to take, which is causing what the GP calls inflammatory arthritis although I believe it may also be called reactive arthritis...............hitting knees and legs, an arm and elbow, eyes water numerous other weird things occur....... ........and is it painful? Yes it bloody is! It appears I am probably stuck with it, so I guess you are too...........You have my sympathy. AL
So sorry to hear of your problems AL.We take all these meds to help with one thing,and then we take more meds to cure the problems the other meds have. Acceptance is the worst part and even after 3 years I have days where I can't get to grips with it. Hey ho,the sun is shining and I hope you have the sort of day you would wish for yourself.
Unfortunately, in the case of one person I know, tomorrow will be too. And the next day, and the day after that. Curiously seems to disappear whenever there's something she wants to do, or she thinks that nobody will notice. On the one hand I feel angry because it takes the piss for those I know genuinely suffer (often in silence most of the time), but I know it's a tricky one to call her out on it.
Well Al,at least when we do get a good/reasonable day we do enjoy it.Mind you,our good days are still a bit crap by other peoples standards,eh?