Filtering my a*$e!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Daikinman, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Filtering? Yeh right that was full on 'riding like a cock'.
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  2. I think plod was being kind
  3. We all know Dorset is very popular was us bikers, especially when the sun is out. Last year, or maybe the year before, but on the first warm weekend of the year a chap died on one of the main truck roads between Poole and Bournemouth because he panic braked when seeing a speed trap.
    IMO this is good PR by the Police and serves as a good warning to all , especially those whose bikes have been laid up all winter. Saying that, they should have used a more suitable clip. Anybody who rides past solid traffic that fast will know about it sooner of later.
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  4. To be fair the slow speed of the cop car makes it look like he is going very fast but car was between 3 and 7 mph at the time . Mind thats the time when you should be more alert. So yeah he was riding like a c**k.
  5. I thought this thread was going to be about colonic irrigation.
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. I suppose it is one way to empty your bowels !
    #7 Gingerdog, Apr 2, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2014
  7. Agreed....that wasn't filtering....
  8. Had the Police vehicle been a marked unit and not a sneaky unmarked one thats simply out to increase revenue the whole thing would not have occured at all. He needs to sue the Police Service.
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  9. What a completely avoidable,idiotic and needless bit of riding which quelle surprise,finished up as it did.At what point did he finally realise that it was about to go horribly wrong??When it was too late is the answer.
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