I', having a hard time finding neutral when the engine is running, say at road junctions or traffic lights or when parking up. If I stop the motor I can the select neutral ok. what is the possible cause of this problem and how do I cure it ?
I have had a similar issue with my new MTS, I told the dealer, but thinking it will likely ease when I have a few more miles on the clock.
Top tip - probably clutch drag. Is the clutch lever action spongy? Has the fluid ever been changed? Is the level in the master cylinder correct? What condition is the slave cylinder in?
Thanks, I will check the fluid level have not done that since I fitted a new Oberon slave cylinder late last year.
If the level is low there's a chance of getting air bubbles into the system - from experience, they can be a real pain to bleed out again. Let us know how you get on...
Defo try the clutch set up first and see if that sorts it. Alas, in my case it was the gear lever springs that were the issue. Not a massive pain to change but it does involve dropping the oil and pulling the flywheel. A