I purchased this bike with out a test ride. If I had gone down the test ride route I would not have emptied the wallet on it and sold my beloved multi.... It takes several hours to get used to the unfamiliar riding position. It looks a big bike but it rides like a small naked machine. No faring or screen to give you a point of reference, your view is of only two mirrors and the billet clutch and brake reservoirs. The two displays are hidden by the chin guard on your helmet so you become a bit of a nodding dog when playing with modes or fuel range or just checking your speed etc. Checking your speed is something you need to do all the time on this machine as it eats up the legal limits so so quickly, and without any drama.
I could waffle on all day so lets get to bullet points so far good and bad. Engine, brakes, handling are all brilliant. No surging or pushing out on the corners and it will stop it fat body on a sixpence. The thing in the press about the fat back tire not letting you lean into corners is utter bollocks. Scraping pegs is easily doable if that your thing. The beast is filled with torques and they are addictive. I want traffic lights to turn red so I can out drag.... well anything thats next to me. The riding position takes a little getting used too, as comfortable as it is it is still feels a little unnatural for such a fast sporty bike, but you get used to the low on road position. The seat it very comfortable but it restricts your movement, forward and back as well as side to side. The rear seat cowl gets scratched to f.... from carrying a rucksack so be warned. Any sustained speed above 85ish will give you arms like a weight lifter so long fast motorways may be a drag.
Mods that I will do. Exhaust will be a zard as it should have been designed that way. Move the upper clocks above the bars so I can see them Small screen to cover the clocks Make a billet rack for a tail rack as I’m pissed off with a rucksack after 700 miles. Touring seat as it looks not so sculptured Note: At first it is nice people coming and looking at the bike when you stop but you soon get hacked off with everyone who says “ look at the size of that” when you realize they are not looking at your trouser parts and are referring to the rear tire. Oh well !!!! More after a few thousand miles to see if I have changed my mind....
Completely agree, The clock position should be on to of the bar, rucksacks do scratch the seat cover, need to get a rack but don't want the scaffolding of a Ventura type rack! Zard exhaust definately The attention is nice till you get back and there's finger prints all over! But it's bloody brilliant, it shouldn't handle but it does
One thing I did not mention until I had a chance to play with it is the suspension out of the factory is harder than hard, like a hard tail hard, like riding a brick hard and then harder than that. Well you get the idea. It must come set up and ready for two-up riding so I will endeavour to get it to suit a solo rider. Oh yes and yes in that order. It makes me want to ride and it makes me grin like a little boy at christmas every time I go out.