1299 First Time Out On The Bike This Year!

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by V4Missile, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. So I fitted into the Ducati stereotype very well over the winter! Bike nice and warm in the heated garage, trickle charger doing its thing. Have not used the 1299 since October/November. Was out for about 40 or so miles, in 6 to 8 degrees in my new RST pro series textiles. It's the first time I've tried anything but leathers with rain suit over the top, very impressed. I have 5 leather suits (of the sort I can wear out of the house!) but no textiles designed for warmth, go figure. Most of my riding is early in the morning, so even spring/summer is still a bit nippy til the sun warms things up. Recommended! Dave
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  2. When I looked out of the window this morning I thought I’d be out ...........then I went outside.

    It was freezing.............and with wind chill it would have been horrible.
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  3. think this is the first winter ive not rode a bike at all... normally i commute by bike all year round but where i am working its just as fast to take the van and a whole lot warmer! tbh i look at the few bikers i see on route and think "you fucken mug!" i am missing riding though... one day i might even try these new fangled textile suits...
  4. I ride all my bikes through the winter. Not when salt on roads and hopefully when it’s a dry day. I rotate them to make sure they each get used.
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  5. IMG_20200308_220801.jpg Well I managed to get out twice over the weekend. Not bad as working on call, but I got away with it, no overtime, but put some miles on the bike. Late last season I fitted some R suspension, and after a MCT rebuild with springs and valving have only recently managed to put some miles on. As the girl was trashed with Buckinghamshire's finest tractor poo, she needed a wash and blow dry with my new doggie dryer. Done a good job of blasting out all those bolt heads and crevices.
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  6. The answer is heated gloves. I bought my first set this winter and it's meant that I could go out for an hour on my 1199 and come back still feeling my fingers. Very pleased with them. As I don't go out for longer rides this time of year in Norfolk, my fingers were the only thing I suffered with getting cold. Textlies do the job for the rest of me.
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