First time.........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. ......since heart attack.........out on the bike, 12 miles or so...........just a test.....

    • Like Like x 8
  2. :upyeah: good on ya. Andy
  3. Well done, and keep well.
  4. Good on you mate :) all the best that by next spring you will be ready for more :)
  5. great stuff - just don't go out on bonfire night
  6. Great news on your progress - hope it continues and the weather holds for a few more rides for you.
  7. Enjoy and take it easy
  8. Well done chap! You can now focus on building up your strength for 2014. Great to hear some good news.
  9. good for you mate.

    i wish you all the best.
  10. Good for you Al, great to hear you are on the mend, don't do too much too quickly though fella!
  11. Nice one Al take it easy
  12. cool, cool.
  13. So pleased to read this! Keep up the good work, here's to 2014 being a better year!
  14. All good!... :upyeah:
  15. Congratulations. Having been in exactly the same position almost six years ago I know just how you feel. Took me six months to get my mojo back before I got back on but since then I've done more riding each year than ever before.
  16. Did you make it back okay?
  17. Maybe he didn't :frown:

  18. I did........thanks orfwally.....
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