fitted Pikes Peak screen on S Touring 2013

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Phantomfighter, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]



    Need to get some new screw attachments for these.
    #1 Phantomfighter, Jun 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2013
  2. I had a pp screen on my 2012 and it worked very well, but on my 2013 pp its shocking,form over function,i love the looks of the carbon screen but much prefer the standard screen for any speed over 50mph.Out of intrest is that the screen from the accessories book or did you just order a pp screen.
  3. I have not even tried the bike yet. I only just installed it. I was hoping for some cleaner air, I bought a new Schuberth helmet which I hope will add too its clearness.

    I just ordered from ebay - Ducati Germany (Easier than doing a 100 mile round trip) as a PP screen. As you can see I will need to get the screws as the screen holes are smaller. But yes its an expensive route. I was going to go for for the GT screen but wanted to go this route first.
  4. I like :wink:
  5. The problem now is that I want to start modding the reservoirs to Rizoma ones, Rizoma mirror and get some matte carbon....
  6. I have one on mine although it is a 2012 version. I love it. It looks better than standard and, as you say, you are in clean air.
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