Fitting A Number Board

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Pavey, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Not really a build but figured this could be the best place for it :)

    I'm going to fit a front number board tomorrow to my 1198. Any tips to get it right/make it easy? I believe i have to wet the bike first and heat the vinyl?

  2. mate there a ball bag to fit!! i bought 2 to do my track bike knackered um both up so got them painted on!! hope this helps.:upyeah:
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  3. [​IMG]

    What a pain in the arse that was. Doesn't look too bad, but the edges where it joins the screen are a bit poor. Anyone have any ideas what I could run along those edges to tidy it up?

    In hindsight I should of taken the front fairing off and wrapped the vinyl around it more.

    What a joke getting to the front two fairing bolts aswell.
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  4. A scalpel with a fresh sharp blade will do the trick. Just be carefull not to mark the paint underneath
  5. I took the nose cone off mine to fit it, fairy liquid and water mix in a spray bottle to help it slide about. A card of some sort to squeeze out the air bubbles and a hairdryer to dry it out/ heat it to stretch parts etc.
    That depends which one you have though as I think the motografix one is really thick so goes on a little easier.
    Trim the edges after with a small craft knife if needed. Mine had enough to tuck it round on the inside of the fairing around the screen and headlights rather than just run to the edge.
    Good luck! There is a lot of room for error providing you wet it enough.
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  7. You need to remove the nose cone to fit your number board,use soapy water and a cloth to push the bubbles out,tuck the excess number board the screen will hold it in place and the head lights will help the bottom tuck. Do not touch your bike with a blade,if you need to cut it you made a balls up. I've fitted two of your boards and it's infuriating but we'll worth the time and effort, the plastic is better than painted as it protects from stone chips and along with tail numerous boards looks fanny tastic.
  8. Thanks mate. Already done, quite pleased with the result.

    Have you got off the shelf rear boards on yours? Which one did you go for?
  9. [​IMG]
    not actually sure on the make though.
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  10. Nice.
    Just what I would like. Have you got any more pix, from the side?

    What do they have written on them, just Ducati like the front?
  11. [​IMG]
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  12. That's odd, my post has squeezed inbetween yours.
  13. [​IMG]

    I will look through my e bay history for info on these.......they looked great though.
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  14. bought them in 2013 from a company called srsigndesign on e bay...the co shows no longer on bay..based in us of a.

    #14 idrinkbeer, Apr 24, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2015
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  15. Thanks mate, I'll investigate.
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