I've bought a set of panniers in the Ducati Manchester sale and I already have my set of locks. Question: How do I open the panniers and/or fit the locks? It looks like you push the lock into the hole on the pannier top, but I know on my old 1200 I had to access the lock from inside the pannier. I don't want to just shove the lock in and then be unable to open them. Also I might need the rubbers that go on the footrests - unless they are inside the panniers
Link to pannier accessory manual https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwMhCNtmur8EaEd3ZkZVSzRLMDg/view Hope this helps
Brilliant, I knew you would be the man to help Steve! (Just need to make sense of the fractured English they use)
OK, sorted, bit of a struggle. One lock just went straight in and didn't need fixing. The second needed the inside removing before it slotted home properly.The additional parts you need, rubbers and frames, are inside the pannier already. There was also a random bag of black screws but I guess this might be for the coloured covers.
I did all of this myself last night, including trying to figure out how to open the panniers to get the stuff out (a spoon handle did the trick ) The panniers don't come with the painted top covers as you know. Don't be tempted to use it like this, the outer cover is only temporarily held in place with a single screw in the middle. You need to take this screw out to fit the coloured top bits to the outer cover, then slap it back in place and fit all the screws, 11 per pannier. Now if only my locks had fitted like yours did
Yes it was really weird, the lock went into one OK and then the other just enough to spring the catches. Covers should be arriving tomorrow.