
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Johnno, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Just seen reports of the foul weather and flooding some of you are getting. What crap for those affected.:mad: Getting worse everywhere. Has to be Global Warming doesn't it?
  2. 704377_10151524510942506_1024537930_o.jpg

    The main road past my village :eek:

  3. Shit nice river, Dave! Is your house okay?
  4. More importantly the garage!
  5. Even in leafy Surrey I may not escape. I got flooded in 2001 and they said it would never happen again, but I keep checking the Thames nearby and it's getting worryingly high. I lost 7 bikes last time, although admittedly they were all shitters.
  6. Anyone started to build a boat yet?

    It looks like Noah's skills are to be highly sought after again this century......
  7. Need to check on the stream at the bottom of the garden when it gets light :/
  8. I went over/past the Avon on the way to the NEC on Sunday... Bloody 'ell, it looked like a lake...:eek:
  9. I checked the stream when I left the house an hour ago and though it was quite high and runny very fast it wasnt near a critical level. :smile:

    However if it starts to rain heavily today and stays heavy all day then come tea time we may have a problem :eek:
  10. I was going to suggest it was, until I saw the news and they said that November hadn't actually been that wet, as an average, and that there were evil floods in '59 and '63 and a few since. Britain just is a wet place.

    A mate of mine in Devon is already flooded out. Hope it doesn't happen to anyone on here.
  11. Waters are gradually subsiding now. Some of our neighbours were flooded and so was the village shop but we are on a bit of a slope so it only got halfway up our drive. I was ready to evacuate the garage though!
  12. They say the water is subsiding near me, but it don't look like. The Thames has burst it's banks at Chertsey bridge, and the river Bourne the other side of me is in flood. I'll be buying some new wellies on the way home...
  13. Mind me asking to where and how?
  14. Airlift :wink:
  15. Yeah....we have daylight in the north east this morning........and it's not raining either!
  16. I was just going to wheel them to higher ground in my back garden and stick them under cover of my gazebo or a tarpaulin!
  17. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1354012889.335950.jpg

    Our house last Wednesday....

    ...sitting room and drawing room had 5-6 inches of water in it. Luckily the kitchen, office and utility is up an 8 inch step, so was unaffected.

  18. Is that a scuba tank!

    Awful mate, hope it gets sorted.

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