Just went in to the garage today to warm up the bike and noticed the colour of the fluid. Don't know why I'm paranoid but I feel it shouldn't be this dark. Anyone else's like this? The reservoirs in the cockpit are clean and light in colour.
Clutch fluid on my Monster has gone black after a few months of use. No problem and I just change it regularly, If this is the clutch fluid and the clutch is working fine then I would not worry - but I would change it.
'They all do that, Sir' Oberon once told me its the reaction between the rubber seals and the fluid but i don't know how true that is. It won't affect use.
Thanks chaps. It will have to go in for the latest recalls in the Spring, so will have it changed then to be neat and tidy.
Rear brake fluid black. Front brake fluid like Yorkshire tea. Clutch fluid clear. 1800 miles. It looks crap but appears to work OK.
Already cut a slot in a couple of tennis balls and bashed them on - sorted. Do you think I should use a squash ball on the rear res though?