foot pumps

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Ruffs, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Can anyone recommend a decent (accurate and robust) foot pump. Had a few including Michelin, all flimsy and have tacky plastic adapters at valve end that wear out/snap. I take one on track days, in rucksack.
  2. In terms of accuracy any pump will do it but I would then check the pressures with a digital guage. That way you could use a single cylinder foot pump and just adjust the pressures using the guage. Wouldnt recommend riding with one in a ruck-sack to be honest but its do-able.

    Wonder if this would do? Prob a bit too big still.

    Bikers Dream Mini Foot Pump - Digital Gauge | Buy Online |

    I use a track pump for everything but you cant take one of those out with you obviously.
  3. I have the dual cylinder michelin one which has lasted me a couple of years and is still going well (touch wood). The guage is pretty accurate when checked against a halfords digital guage.
  4. I have had several over the years and the Michelin is the best its also the most powerful and consistant but its adaptor is plastic and a flaw
  5. Also have the Michelin dual cylinder & agree with comments regarding the adaptor. Have tried single & dual cylinder Halfords footpumps, but they were not very robust. Always check tyre pressures with a trusted/accurate guage.
  6. Thanks for advice chaps. Had a Michelin one - plastic adaptor gave out after a few months. Agree Halfords models a bit flimsy. Generally pump up with whatever dodgy pump I own at the time, and deflate to required pressure using nice Draper gauge with brass fittings.
    Will keep looking!
  7. Go to a decent cycle shop and get a track pump. Also get a calibrated gauge at the same time.
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