For sale as above a PS3 fully kitted with plenty of games. Software alone is worth about 140-150GBP is used game prices. Perfect X-mas time killer. Was looking for 260-280 see below why. PS3 Original with 500GB HDD, 2 controllers, Camera, 2 PlayStation Move controllers, 1 x PlayStation move action controller, 1x PlayStation Move gun adapter, Original box, all cables. Bundle of Games coming with it: 1. FEAR 2. L.A Noire 3. The Fight (PS Move edition) 4. Kane & Lynch Dead Man 5. Ace Combat Assault Horizon 6. H.A.W.X 2 7. Heavy Rain 8. Lost Planet 9. Lost Planet 2 10. Operation Flashpoint Dragon Raising 11. Homefront 12. Prince of Persia 13. Brothers in Arms Hells Highway 14. Dark Void 15. Heavenly Sword 16. Mercenaries 2 17. GTA 4 18. GRID 19. SBK 08 20. Armored Core 4 21. Uncharted 22. Uncharted 2 23. Uncharted 3 24. Prototype 25. Prototype 2 26. Aliens vs Predator 27. PS Move Starter Disc ?! 28. Tom Clancy’s End War 29. Gran Turismo 5 30. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 31. Assassins Creed Revelations (also include Assassins Creed on same disc) 32. Assassins Creed Brotherhood (Original Box missing so in GTA 4 Expansion pack box as that disc is missing) 33. Assassins Creed II 34. Assassins Creed III 35. Killzone 3 36. Resistance 3 37. Red Dead Redemption
Forgot to add I am also looking in to transferring my psn account with this PS3 and that would give you both GTA4 expansion packs, read dead redemption expansion pack, wipe out HD, two other games and some more downloadable content.
Are you having your house taken back?.... Keep it, and the games!!... Your kids / grand kids will.appreciate it!!
You kidding right by the time I have kids we will be playing augmented reality games not PS3 Games. It will also not become future classic in my life time as mass produced. Neh I want to upgrade Graphics in PC so it lasts for next 3y plus need more storage so want a 4TB hard drive.
Phill I had it but I sold it at start I was trading the games when I was done with them but then I stopped. You can also see my disorder there .... If I start something and then there is more parts of it I have to have them played/watched no matter how bad it is and only one rule applies it has to have somehow linked story line. I hate Lord of the Rings but after seeing one I had to see the other two then the Hobbit now I need to see the new one FFS.
That is very easy to do as there are options to change name, username, e-mail and so on associated to PSN account. So above games plus digital: GTA4 expansion packs, Read dead redemption expansion packs (zombie plus few playable missions), wipe out HD, Dead Space 1, infamous, Battlefield 1942 MP version, Missions to various assassin creed's, missions to Mercenaries 2, Cars and packs to GT5, Some stuff to Need for speed and some other maps and add-ons for various games.