For some unknown reason

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. I went to see the Hobbit. I selected 3D HFR (high frame rate). Movie was such a booring thing. All they did is walk and talk and walk, run a bit then talk, run and fight, run, fight, fly and movie was over. All that took 2h 30 min!! 1 full hour to long!!! Honestly kind off as expected as I am not a fan of LOTR. Forgot to add it is 1st part only good only knows how many more they will do but because I started it I will have to see the rest Grrr. There should have been a warning.

    However the HFR thing was a bliss. Finally a 3D movie that is not stuttering when there is a lot of movement! Yes there is few issues, for example when there is very little movement, like hobbit walking in his home in corridor it looks like hobbit in fast forward. Camera operator was aware as he was either zooming in so only hobbit was visible or focusing camera so that few other things that move were visible.

    When Mr Hobbit was righting with his pen it was so fast forward and they knew that so they quickly panned up to show opposite end of feather so plenty of movement and frame rate dropped to normal speed then pan out. Views of the village made me feel like watching a video game because they were so flawless. However all in all HFR is fantastic I can imagine now big on screen battles with loads of details and silky smooth.

    If you LOTR fan do not get your hopes up but go and see it in 3D HFR. If you not LOTR fun just go and see it for HFR.
  2. You lost me shortly after booring.
  3. They said pretty much the same thing on the review show, and there's going to be three parts!! Deep joy, I like LOTR and loved the hobbit as a kid, so I will go and see them all regardless. I could bang on about how Peter Jackson knows a cash cow when he sees one but that would just be being cynical.

    The bastard, talk about tearing the arse out of it.
  4. Lost me at Hobbit :rolleyes:
  5. Hoping to go see Gangster Squad over the 'festive' period but I hate going to the cinema on my own

    'make that after the 11th Jan :rolleyes:
  6. Just seen it.
    Cant be doing with 3D bollox tough.
    I know the story back to front having read the book in '78 as well as the Silmarillion.

    I thought it was good.
  7. Char there is few movies coming that have potential: Les Miserable, Jack Reached, Oblivion, After Earth new startrek, new superman or Pacific Rim
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