check out some Dave Moss vids here Measuring swing arm angle, interrelationships of shock length, and axle position, How to measure swing arm angle cheaply and quickly, how shock length and ...
My angle finders cost £3.95 delivered and they're fab! You can see them on the pictures of my build on the head-stock I think. Just slot some long sockets in the holes and use a straight edge. (ps only watched the first few mins but will file for later thanks) INCLINOMETER Roofing Scaffolding Angle Measure Finder * MAGNETIC NEW MODEL * | eBay
I'm researching how pivot angle affects how handling works and how you can drive. I have read using a +2mm pivot kit with the axle as far back as it goes and a little ride height, 5mm seems the norm, gives a more flickable but also better grip and rive on a K5 but been watching may of his and other youtube vids all night. This link is a set of live recorded with specific subjects, most about an hr long
Can understand the extra flick-ability but I'm lost regarding the improvement on better grip/drive when on the edge of the tyre - my brain won't compute that. Nothing in Tony Foele's book (who they mentioned on the video) from what I remember but mine is a first edition. Maybe his later books are worth a read and are much more up to date.
its the anti squat affect, apparently...the flatter the swing arm, like a flat tracker, the more drive you get so the more it wants to spin rather than grip. Watch 52min on. and you actually lengthen the wheelbase it seems, but seems to work for K5's