Forget Dugga, this is more serious

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JerryXt, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. A hospital where a girl bled to death has refused to publish the findings of its inquiry for fear of "endangering the mental health" of staff.

    Victoria Harrison, 17, was found dead the day after an appendix operation at Kettering General Hospital in 2012.

    Coroner Ann Pember later criticised the hospital over missed opportunities.

    BBC News - Kettering Hospital withholds death inquiry findings

    In all seriousness, given the number of unnecessary deaths in hospital, we're much more likely to be faced with medical negligence than shot by a police officer. How the hospital can refuse to release information for this reason is beyond me. The NHS is a public body and should be open to public scrutiny. If the hospital really cared about its staff mental well being, maybe they could redact names?
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  2. It claimed putting some of its findings into the public domain would risk staff identifying colleagues, who would then be put under "additional stress and pressure in addition to that already experienced during the investigation and inquest".

    So they f**king should ! It's a disgrace that something like this can happen in a 1st world country.
  3. Its a fucking outrage - Doesn't surprise me though...
  4. No, but that's the sad thing. The NHS is hugely expensive for net contributors and offers a completely unaccountable service.
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  5. I have mixed feelings about the NHS, my brother had amazing treatment to remove a brain tumour, as soon as the problem was identified he was in and the tumour was removed. On the other hand, my partner works for the NHS and the stories of waste, bad management etc that she tells me are terrible.
    There was something on TV last week that was questioning if the NHS in its current format encourages unhealthy lifestyles as it is taken for granted that you will be fixed for free. I don't know if that is correct but it is an interesting question.
    One thing I am fed up with is being told that "the NHS is the envy of the world" Really ? Come on, there is far better health care in many countries and free at the point of use is not free at all. I wonder who is asked when the envy line is trotted out ?
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  6. Completely agree Jerry,a disgrace.
  7. Yet more evidence that the NHS is run for the benefit of it's employees rather than the public.
  8. And also the perfect excuse to have a pop at public sector workers.This should be fun.:)
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  9. It's really good in places, but this sort of bureaucratic arse covering is unforgivable. I'm not saying that it would never happen in the private sector - I just don't know - but this organisation is supposed to represent all that's good about our society.

    bit shit really.
  10. Public sector workers are the scum of the earth, they bleed private sector workers dry whilst providing poor service whilst they enjoy above average pay and pensions safeguarded by hard working taxpayers.

    How was that ?
  11. I hope stu appreciates you paying his wages….
  12. Corrected :upyeah:
  13. private sector …….hmmmmmmm go on then ill take it,………. banks, big stores, train fares, gas, electric, water….all such a big step forward in quality of service………and at such good value prices….:rolleyes:
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  14. Over whcih we can exercise some degree of choice.
  15. oh yeah……..shall i have electric or not…….no no no, wait shall i have gas or not…….no no no……shall i let this utility company rip me off with a so complicated tariff chart thats actually costing me mioolion over what it should be ….or shall i let another one ….yeah choice!
  16. Which is exactly why I said 'some degree of choice'.

    The private sector is not without it's own problems with a greater differential in pay between those at the bottom and those at the top than ever. Also it's success in providing cheap goods has been built upon putting people out of work.
  17. sorted for you ..couldnt spell it in chinese..
  18. In that case we are in agreement :upyeah:
  19. Ah, so you're aLittle Englander Andy! Ukip councillor in the making?
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