Yes. Straight in. Check axle diameter is same. 17mm or 20mm. But you cant fit carb to ie or vice versa due to wheels are different.
The 750SS forks are probably Marzocchi and are non-adjustable, plus one leg damps compression and the the other damps rebound. The 900SS forks are generally Showas and the earlier versions are fully adjustable. Some 750s had these. I have both and find the Showas are slightly better owing to their adjustability........but the Marzocchis may need heavier oil for use on a 900SS as the 900 is a heavier and more powerful bike. However, the Marzocchis are far easier to strip and service than the Showas.
Don't know whether to bother then. Out of interest, how many hours would such a job take (assuming correct tools available)?
If its just legs about 1hr once youve got the fairing off. with under yoke paddock stand slacken off bolts before you put it up.
I agree.....well, sort of.........took me an hour, but I didn't have to remove the full fairing, because I used my homemade stand.....
Sorry to resurrect this old thread. I've found some 750ss forks which purport to be Showa but they have silver coloured lowers. My 900ss has gold coloured lowers. They also need servicing (new seals etc), how difficult a job is this and what special tools are required?
Show a picture of the top cap and the bottom of the fork leg...........they may be either Marzocchi or Showa at the moment.
I can confirm that the early 750ss had Showa forks at the front, but these are non-adjustable. Having ridden bikes with both Showa and Marzocchi un adjustable front ends, the Showa ones are better. Aren't silver forks off IE bikes? As far as I know, the forks on all carb bikes are interchangeable, the difference in spindle diameter (17 or 22mm), can be accommodated by swapping the threaded bushes in the bottom left hand leg that the spindle threads into.
The forks I'm looking at don't have Showa written anywhere so assume they are marzocchi. I'd prefer the real McCoy so will continue looking.
Look at the hexagon flats on the top caps, the Showa ones are smaller than the Marzocchi. That's the easiest way to tell
They're on flebay so I'd have to hassle the seller for some pics of the tops. They do have some wear on the chromework tho. The reason I'm looking is one of my uppers is badly worn on the outside due to cable rub. Perhaps I can rebuild them using a pair of new uppers, but then that might not be cost effective.
Some Marzocchis had small hex top caps, Chewy............similar to the non-adjustable Showas. With the OEM Marzocchis with the large hex caps, the tops of the shrouds have a number of rings around them for assisting with positioning. The fully adjustable Showas have an obvious turret type top cap with an adjuster in each one and an adjuster in each leg at the back of the bottom............non adjustable Showas have the adjuster boss at the bottom but no valve in them.
Al, I reckon if you were on Mastermind your chosen subject would definitely be the Ducati SS and all questions would be answered correctly with no passes!