1200 Forks Bottoming

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Joshua, May 1, 2016.

  1. Hey guys,
    I'm a newbie here, and to the multi only had my 2011 1200s for a few weeks, done a Scotland to London tour of it when I picked it up to get used to the bike, with the Mrs on the back! Put myself in the deep end id say haha...

    Only really started trying out sport mode and having real fun on the bike recently, fitted Metzler's roadtec01s and getting the hand of wheelies with the big ol girl... But if I do a big wheelie, when coming down, the forks bottom out so (done it twice now) so I'm scared to wheelie the bike again as I don't want to damage the ohlins forks!

    I'm about 95kg + full gear so I'd say 100kg.

    Any ways can i adjust the preload on the forks to stop this from happening... I think I'm wayyy to heavy for the standard preload settings. Any guides on this?

    Got a whole list of mods to make already! It begins!
  2. Stop being a hooligan! ;), front preload is adjusted with a 32mm socket/spanner, just be sure to disconnect the little connection at the top of the fork, and be carefull there quite fragile!
    Ive mine set to two turns out from max preload, 110kg with gear on. So id start with 3 turns out and see how you get on
  3. Right hand side fork top, as stated up the preload. 1>10 clicks
  4. Use the throttle to land the wheelie instead of just dropping it?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Set to maximum possible preload. It won't be enough (for a big guy with pillion and luggage doing wheelies), but at least it's a start. You may need to get stronger springs.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. I disagree @Pete1950. Why ruin the ride when not pulling wheelies. Don't drop the bike, use throttle to lower back to the ground.
  7. Its not a wheelie when you dump it down ;)

    I'd be more worried about wheel damage
  8. Increasing preload will not stop the forks bottoming out, all the preload does is "preload" the spring and alter the ride height.
    Add 5ml of fork oil, put a tie wrap on one of the fork legs and check the distance of unused fork under the tie wrap, if less than 10mm add another 5ml of oil.
  9. Being over 100kg and with std skyhook suspension and preload set fairly soft, I cant recall ever bottoming out whether, wheelies, little jumps (hump back bridge) or track riding
  10. According to post #1, the O/P's bike is a 2011 1200S, thus Ohlins not skyhook. On a skyhook bike, bottoming is not a problem as you rightly say @bradders . But on an Ohlins bike, the standard springing is very soft and the forks bottom all the time just from hard braking (never mind wheelies). At any rate, that is what I have found.
  11. It will still bottom out of its set too soft and the springs are too light.

    But sounds like you had the same Pete so change the springs OP
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