Hey all. 2015 icon, 3500 miles not offroaded. Sprung a left fork leak and noticed severe pitting and rusting along sliding area of the inner forks. Was contemplating to sand and smoothen but not convinced. Anywho, thinking of getting new inner tubes and replace. Can somebody advise me on how to dettach and replace inner forks from bottom ends as there are no screws that i can see? Many thanks.
There is a small grub screw at the wheel side of each wheel bottom. It is peened over and very difficult to remove. I drilled them out of mine so that I could dismantle the forks to fit Andreani cartridges. The fork tube has a hole in it which a special tool with a peg can be fitted into, I borrowed a homemade tool. Here's a picture: The rod screws in to the metal ring and the end engages in the hole in the fork leg. There is a hole in the opposite side of the tool which will take another rod so that there are 2 handles. With the bottom gripped in a vice the fork tube can then be unscrewed using the tool. Hope that helps.