As I type this, right at the bottom of the page it reads "All times are GMT. The time now is 16.10". Which is 21 minutes behind the actual time (on my computer). It's normally me who's behind the times so....... wossat all abaht?
I think we should ask for the manager. Oi! Rob, stop sunning yourself on your yacht in the Med. and get it sorted! - Oh and while you're at it, change the line at the top which reads "This forum have 35,000 + posts".
Indeed. I have posted this request several times. The grammar is incorrect and the number of posts hopelessly out of date.
Click on "forum" and it will list the threads by section, e.g. welcome, general chat etc. Within each section is the sub section, so lounge is within general chat. Matt or Rob have actually now changed the comment for lounge to be grammatically correct and up to date with the number of posts, hooray! We are now at c 92,000 posts in lounge, of which, most will be yours, El T! I think we should have a competition / prize for who is number 100,000 and structure it so we give £s to a good cause. Not sure how this could work, suggestions welcome. I suspect most of us will not care who posts number 100,000, but I also suspect others will care very much!!!!! Vive la difference!